Sales-Talk has been 'airing' on-line since 1999. Harvey has interviewed business people from all walks of life permitting them to share their individual marketing techniques and philosophies.
New programs are in production now. Please visit this page often to see who may pop up.
In the meantime, we invite you to view two shows from the Sales-Talk series.
If you have any special requests, such as topics you'd like to see discussed or sales objections you'd like to hears some answers for, please email us with your ideas and questions.
Please note: Real Player will be required to view these episodes. Click here if you need the free download.
'Sales Talk'
The World's longest running sales talk-show


Featured Guest: Dahlia. Watch as she explains how she turned her business dream into a reality.  (Special note from Harvey: These Sales Talk programs are a number of years old but are as timely as can be. What is amazing is Dalia's web site of today. So, first watch the Sale-Talk episode... then visit her site and tell me if you aren't as blown away as I was. Congrats Dalia!   Amazing!!!
Featured Guest: Mar. Mar is an accomplished actor and author. Watch as she discusses her book... and how to turn personal and business loss into a positive gain.
Shows to view: