Sales Objections Over-Ruled! Answers to virtually any objection you've ever heard or ever will hear.
Sales Objections Over-Ruled
This book contains over 200 pages of sales enhancing techniques. From goal-setting to mastering the art of 'question-selling'. From ways to find new clients to ways to overcome objection after objection.
Although certain businesses are identified, this book will provide answers to almost 100 often-heard objections. Change a word here and there and the techniques will work for you. Available on 11 CDs, unabridged and read by the author. (   Track available below. Allow Active X to access.)

General Category


It costs too much!

I can get it cheaper elsewhere!

I’m just looking!

Give me your best price then I’m going to shop around!

I’m not ready to buy right now!

I have to talk to my spouse first!

I need to speak with my accountant!

I’m waiting for some money to be freed up!

I only just started looking!

I never buy at the first place I look!

Thanks... but I’ll call you over if I need you!

I only came in here to see what you sell. I wouldn’t buy anything here!

I prefer another brand!

I don’t like the colour!

I don’t like the size!

I can’t afford it!

We have no budget left!

We never budgeted for this!

I would never deal with your company (due to previous or present bad reputation)

We’re already dealing with someone else!

Your prices are too high!

I’ll think it over!

My (friend, brother, parent, book, newspaper article) advised me not to buy it!

I wanted better quality!


Automotive (Specific)


I prefer a two (four) door / van (etc)

It’s not the right colour

Didn’t get enough for my trade!

I want to own the car! (for leasing)

We’re not ready to buy for another six months!

I’m waiting for new model introduction!

I have to sell my car before I do anything else!

That’s when my lease expires!        

That’s when I turn in my company car!

The trunk is too small!

There’s no headroom!

Not the right floor plan (RV’s)!


Financial Programs (Specific)


I’ll let my kids look after themselves! (for RESP Marketers)

I prefer to invest in Mutual Funds! (for RESP Marketers)

My kids will go into the family business! (for RESP Marketers)

My friend sells these plans! (for RESP Marketers)

I heard I lose this money if my kids don’t go to school! (for RESP Marketers)

We can handle our investments ourselves! (Mutual Funds, etc.)

How do I know you’re any good?

You people aren’t big enough to handle my account!

I can’t afford it right now!

The amount we can put away is too small to make a difference!

My parents will leave me money!




Insurance (Specific)


I don’t believe in insurance!

It will never happen to me!

I (we) already have enough insurance!

We’re covered at work!

We’re the most over-insured people on the planet!

I had it before and I never used it!

I’ll take my chances!

I can take care of myself if something happens!

I can’t afford it!

I have no dependants, so never mind! … or  “If I die... I die!”

Some expert told me not to buy it!

When you need it, they never pay off anyway!

G-d will protect me!


Furniture (Specific)


I have to go home and measure!

I have to go home and check colour schemes!

I was hoping for a harder / softer mattress!

I wanted a waterbed!

I hear that (another manufacturer) is better!

We just need something temporarily!

I wanted something in (whatever material you don’t  have)!

It’s too heavy!


Real Estate (Specific)


I don’t like the location!

I’m not ready to list yet!

I have a (relative / friend) who sell real estate!

I don’t like the (carpeting / drapes, etc)!

I can’t list yet. I have to see two other realtors first!

Your listing price is too low!

How do I know you won’t list it and disappear?

Will you negotiate?


Extended Warranty Programs (Specific)


Don’t you make good (whatever your product is)? Why sell a warranty if it’s so good?

Maybe I’ll buy someone else’s product if you really think I need a warranty!

I’ll just replace it if it breaks!

These warranty companies all go out of business!

They never cover what breaks!

It’s not worth it!

You guys are just like car dealers!

What if I don’t use it!

I had it before and I didn’t use it!

I’ll take my chances!

I never needed it last time!

The warranty on it is long enough!

I’ll buy it if you throw the warranty in!

My brother’s a mechanic!

Objections  Covered